Video lecture by Jaak Prozes and Andres Heinapuu at MAFUN Academy
On March 28, Jaak Prozes and Andres Heinapuu will give a lecture on the Finno-Ugric national movements from the end of the 1980s to the early 2000s and the Finno-Ugric World Congresses in the 1990s and 2000s at the Academy of the Finno-Ugric youth organisation MAFUN.

The course “Finno-Ugric peoples in Russia in the 20th century: language, human rights, power”, organised by MAFUN, takes place from February 28 to May 5. There are eight events in total.
MAFUN is an international umbrella organisation for the youth of the Uralic (Finno-Ugric and Samoyed) peoples. The goal of the organisation is to develop and preserve Uralic cultures and languages as well as to make them known worldwide. In the MAFUN Academy, specialists introduce their themes to the wider global audience.