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Contact and staff

MTÜ Fenno-Ugria Asutus
Reg. code 80057988 
Pärnu mnt 28-9  
10141, Tallinn 
+372 644 5119


Barbi Pilvre
Managing Director

+372 56207220

Barbi has a background in journalism, politics and academia as well as a diverse work experience, having worked in Eesti Ekspress, as a member of parliament, teacher at the Universities of Tallinn and Tartu, and acquiring a PhD in Journalism in 2011.

Jaak Prozes
+372 644 5119
+372 501 2319

Jaak keeps an eye on events of Finno-Ugric peoples in Russia and informs the public of them, mediates cultural and educational contacts, organises the Kindred Club and Finno-Ugric evenings, and gives thematic presentations in cultural centres, schools, libraries, etc. He is one of the members to have refounded Fenno-Ugria and one of the main organisers of the Finno-Ugrian Days. He graduated from the Universities of Tallinn and Tartu, and is a historian with a master’s degree. Main research interest is the history of Finno-Ugric national and kindred movements. Hobbies are philately, chess and fungi.

Janno Zõbin
Project manager

Janno has a background as a journalist and event organiser, and has studied Finno-Ugristics at the University of Tartu. He is in charge of Fenno-Ugria’s music projects and activity especially in South Estonia.

Patrick O’Rourke
Project manager

Patrick takes care of the English content of the Fenno-Ugria website. In addition to Fenno-Ugria, he will begin to work as a researcher at the University of Tartu, focusing on the history of the Livonian language.

maarja vinkel

Maarja works as a coordinator of educational projects in Fenno-Ugria, so that information about the opportunities offered by Fenno-Ugria and information about Finno-Ugric peoples reaches as many teachers and students as possible. Outside of Fenno-Ugria, Maarja teaches Estonian language and literature paying special attention to the topics on Finno-Ugric peoples. Maarja is also in the role of a student herself; she is involved into the Master’s program at Tallinn University to become a teacher of Estonian language and literature.

fenno-ugria logo, veelind
Ene Vesilo

Ene is in charge of Fenno-Ugria’s accounting. In this work, she likes most of all the diverse and exciting project calculation.