The following Finno-Ugric documentary films can be borrowed from Fenno-Ugria:
Veelinnurahvas or “The Waterfowl People” is a documentary by Estonian Lennart Meri (1929-2006) released in 1970. It depicts the contemporary life of several Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic people in Northern Europe and Siberia.
Meri later produced six other documentaries about these people. These films area available on DVD with English subtitles under the title Lennart Meri soome-ugri rahvaste filmientsüklopeedia DVD (“Lennart Meri’s Finno-Ugric Peoples Film Encyclopedia DVD”).
This documentary is about a Forest Nenets social activist and writer Yuri Vella who left his village for the taiga to become a reindeer herder.
Scriptwriter, director, camera and producer: Liivo Niglas
Produced in 2003
Duration: 58 min
In Russian and Nenets languages
Copies available with English, Russian, French and Estonian subtitles
Authors:Madis Arukask and Taisto Kalevi Raudalainen
Director: Maarika Lauri
ETV 2006
A study on Udmurt identity, or an audiovisually documented socio-cultural portrait of Udmurts.
Nikodemus Film 2002
Authors: Liis Ruussaar, Kristel Kaljund
In Udmurt language with Estonian subtitles
DVD 34 min
Documentary about ethnic identity, assimilation and ethnic politics in contemporary Russia on the example of one Finno-Ugric people – Komi-Permyaks.
Author: Indrek Jääts
Director and Camera: Maido Selgmäe
Producer: Pille Runnel / Estonian National Museum
Supporters: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Hõimurahvaste Programm
Languages: Estonian, Russian, English
Duration: 57 min
Documentary about Seto people who live across the Estonian-Russian border and their culture.
Script: Silvia Karro, Peeter Brambat
Director: Peeter Brambat
DVD 55 min