1. Non-Profit Organisation Fenno-Ugria Asutus (hereinafter the Organisation) is an independent non-governmental organisation re-established in 1991 (with the name Foundation “Fenno–Ugria“) which proceeds in its activities from the Non-Governmental Organisation Act, other legal acts and this Statute. The Organisation continues the activities of Fenno-Ugria Asutus that existed in 1927-1940.
2. The Organisation is located in Tallinn, but may establish its centres elsewhere in the Republic of Estonia and representations in foreign countries.
3. The objective of the Organisation is
4. To achieve its objectives, the Organisation:
5. Members of the Organisation may be legal persons who acknowledge and follow the statute of the Organisation (i.e., institutional members).
6. Members are accepted on the basis of a written application by the decision of the management board of the Organisation within two months from the submission of the application.
7. Honorary members are accepted with the decision of the general meeting, whereby the proposal for accepting the person as the honorary member should be made by the representatives of at least three member organisations.
8. Member of the Organisation has the right to withdraw from the non-governmental organisation. The membership of the member of the Organisation terminates according to the stipulations provided by law. Honorary members are appointed for life and they may not be excluded from membership.
9. Member of the Organisation is obliged:
10. Member of the Organisation has the right:
11. All member rights also extend to honorary members.
12. The highest body of the Organisation is the general meeting of members where all authorised representatives of institutional members and honorary members can participate. Each institutional member has one vote. Honorary member can be represented at the general meeting either by another honorary member or the representative of institutional members on the basis of the unattested power of attorney.
13. The management board convenes the general meeting not less than once a year.
14. The management board must announce the convening of the general meeting at least fourteen days in advance, including by sending the agenda of the meeting to all members of the Organisation.
15. The general meeting can adopt decisions, if more than half of the members of the Organisation or their representatives participate in the meeting.
16. The decision of the general meeting is adopted, if more than half of the members of the Organisation having participated in the meeting vote for it, except in cases where this Statute or law stipulates otherwise. The voting by electing the persons is secret.
17. General meeting of the Organisation:
18. The term limit for authorities of the management board of the Organisation is two years. The meetings of the management board of the Organisation are held not less than once within two months. The management board is convened by its chairperson or vice chairperson. The management board can adopt decisions, if more than half of the members of the management board, including the chairperson or vice chairperson, participate in the meeting.
19. Management board of the Organisation:
20. Chairperson of the management board:
21. The office is the permanently operating administrative body of the Organisation consisting of salaried employees. The activities of the office are managed by the director of the Organisation. The director of the Organisation is chosen through a public competition for three years. The competition is announced, its terms are confirmed and the director of the Organisation is chosen by the management board. The director of the Organisation:
22. The management board can establish sub-units of the Organisation for the fulfilment of the specific tasks.
23. Resources required for the work of the Organisation are received from:
24. The audit committee submits its opinion on the financial statements to the general meeting once a year.
25. The merger or division of the Organisation is carried out with the decision of the general meeting, if at least 3⁄4 of the members of the Organisation attending the meeting votes in favour of such proposal.
26. The Organisation is terminated with the decision of the general meeting, if more than 2/3 of the members of the Organisation attending the meeting votes in favour of such proposal.
27. The assets remained pursuant to satisfying the claims of creditors are given over to the organisation or organisations which activities comply to as large extent as possible with the objectives provided in the statute of the Organisation and which is obliged to use these according to the objectives of the Organisation.
Note: This revised text has been adopted by the Council of the Foundation Fenno-Ugria on 2 October 1997 and has been complied with law by the management board of the Non- Governmental Organisation Fenno-Ugria Asutus on 19 August 1998.