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The Barents Observer: Sami fishers rejoice over court decision in Finland

The Barents Observer: Fishers rejoice over court decision in Finland: «The court has now declared that we Sámi have rights to our culture»  The District …


Fenno Ugria Night at Tallinn Music Week

For the 5th year Fenno Ugria hosts artists from the finno-ugric music scene at Tallinn Music Week 2019.


Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture 2020 Will Be Selected In Mari El Republic

Youth Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples (MAFUN) and URALIC Centre for Indigenous Peoples today announce the start of the competition for the title of Finno-Ugric Capital …


Russia is cracking down on minority languages – but a resistance movement is growing

Author: Guzel Yusupova COFUND Junior Research Fellow, Durham University Russia has spent the last several years aggressively advocating for the rights of Russian minorities abroad, …


Lea Kreinin: On FUFF and trains

As we know, the high-speed trains do not stop everywhere. That’s why, for example, many passengers of the Tartu-Tallinn route were probably unaware of the …


Finno-Ugric Maris have Long Looked to Estonia, Finland and Hungary – and Moscow Doesn’t Like It

The roughly 600,000 Maris, a Finno-Ugric nation in the Middle Volga, have long looked to the larger and now independent Finno-Ugric nations of Estonia, Finland, …


Moscow Still Refuses to Recognize Soviet Genocide of Ingermanlanders

Staunton, June 24 – Most of the peoples whom Stalin deported have been allowed to return to their home areas and have been politically at …
