Call for Applications/Nominations: UNESCO International Literacy Prizes

The 2019 – International Year of Indigenous Languages shares: We are pleased to share with you the call for applications and nominations of the UNESCO International Literacy Prizes 2019.
Every year, the prizes are organized around a specific theme. This year’s focus is on: ‘Literacy and Multilingualism’. The nomination process is taking place via an online platform. An applicant can access the online application form by requesting the creation of a user account through this link. The deadline for submitting a candidature is set on 16 June 2019. The deadline for the nominating entities to submit their nominations is set on Sunday 23 June 2019. You will also find relevant information on the UNESCO International Literacy Prizes website Any enquiries with regard to the application and nomination process should be addressed to the Secretariat of the UNESCO International Literacy Prizes (e-mail: Thank you in advance for your kind attention. Yours sincerely, Secretariat of the UNESCO International Literacy Prizes
Thank you!
The 2019 – International Year of Indigenous Language Team / L’équipe de l’Année internationale des langues autochtones 2019