Release of the strategic outcome of the International Year of Indigenous Languages 2020

The present document refers to the Strategic Outcome Document of the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL2019) and intends to inform Member States of the progress achieved in follow up to the UNGA resolution and in the implementation of the Action Plan for organizing the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages. The document also summarizes the outcomes of the consultative process launched by UNESCO and the Steering Committee for the organization of the International Year of Indigenous Languages. The present document also informs on UNESCO’s role and specific contribution with regard to the organization of the International Year of Indigenous Languages.
The preparation of the Strategic Outcome document benefited from the editorial expertise of members of the Open-ended Drafting Group established by UNESCO and the Steering Committee. It was further enriched by meetings organized during the 18th session of the UNPFII (22 April-3 May 2019), the 12th session of the EMRIP (15-19 July 2019) and its statement on IYIL2019 (28 January 2019), as well as online consultations organized by UNESCO in August and September 2019, and the contributions received from a large group of indigenous peoples, intergovernmental, research, national and regional organizations, and individual experts.
The outcomes of the international and regional consultative meetings organized in cooperation with Member States, Indigenous peoples and other stakeholders also contributed to the preparation of this document.
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