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Finno-Ugric musicians at Tallinn Freedom School
The event was organised within the framework of the project “Democracy School for Finno-Ugric communities in Estonia” and its goal was to further political and …
Komi Republic celebrated 103rd anniversary
The reports show that, unfortunately, on this very important day for the Komi people, the services of the Komi people in the building of the …
Soome-ugri muusikud ja loeng Tallinna ukraina Vabaduse Koolis
AEF/ACF projekti “Demokraatia kool Eesti soome-ugri kogukondadele” raames toimub loeng ja soome-ugri muusikute esinemine kooliperele Tallinna ukraina Vabaduse Koolis. Loengu soome-ugri rahvastest peab Fenno-Ugria projektijuht, …
♫ 2019
For the 5th year Fenno-Ugria hosts artists from the Finno-Ugric music scene at Tallinn Music Week 2019. You will hear the latest news of the ancient rune …
Opening ceremony
The opening ceremony is part of the plenary session of the first day of the VIII World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples, which will begin on …
Videos of Fenno-Ugria Night showcase at Tallinn Music Week 2019
Fenno-Ugria is happy to publicize the videos of our performers at Fenno-Ugria Night showcase at the festival of tomorrows music, arts and ideas – Tallinn Music …
Fenno Ugria Night at Tallinn Music Week
You will hear the latest news of the ancient rune singing from Estonia, powerful traditional male singing from Mordovia, Besserman and Udmurtian tunes, Sami joik …
Fenno-Ugria Night at Tallinn Music Week
For the 5th year Fenno Ugria hosts artists from the finno-ugric music scene at Tallinn Music Week 2019. You will hear the latest news of …
Lea Kreinin: On FUFF and trains
As we know, the high-speed trains do not stop everywhere. That’s why, for example, many passengers of the Tartu-Tallinn route were probably unaware of the …