“Trilium / Trillium” receives the annual Latvian literary award

On Monday, March 25th in Rīga, the nominees for the 2019 Annual Latvian Literary Award were announced at the bookstore “NicePlace Telpa”. The lifetime achievement award was awarded to London poet and translator Velta Sniķere, while the special prize for outstanding contributions to literature was awarded to the Livonian-English bilingual poetry collection “Trilium / Trillium”.

The expert commission decided this year to award the special prize for outstanding contributions to literature to the Livonian-English bilingual poetry collection “Trilium / Trillium”.
The authors of this collection are Baiba Damberga, Valts Ernštreits, Ķempi Kārl, and the English translations of their poems are the work of Uldis Balodis and Ryan van Winkle.
The collection came into being during the months before Latvia was featured as a Market Focus nation at the London Book Fair in 2018. The collection was published by the Livonian Culture Centre (Līvõ Kultūr sidām).
25.03.2019 via livones.net.