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Non-Profit Organisation Fenno-Ugria

Summer school "Shame and Guilt in Finno-Ugric Cultures"

Fenno-Ugria's summer school "Shame and Guilt in Finno-Ugric Cultures" took place in Kadrina Manor in Tartumaa between 18–20 August 2023.


Tallinn University's Finno-Ugric bloggers' school had a discussion at the Finno-Ugric film festival FUFF

As part of Tallinn University’s Summer School, the School for Finno-Ugric Bloggers took place on August 21-24. The results of the School were further discussed …


Fenno-Ugria at Paide Opinion Festival 11 August 2023: "Russian aggression in Ukraine and Finno-Ugric peoples"

Fenno-Ugria organised a panel discussion on 11 August at the Paide Opinion Festival. The panelists were Jaak Prozes (Fenno-Ugria adviser), Aimar Ventsel (ethnologist), Tõnu Seilenthal (Fenno-Ugria board member, Finno-Ugrist), Anna Kuznetsova (Fenno-Ugria project manager of Komi origin). The moderator was Barbi Pilvre (Director of Fenno-Ugria).


Introduction to the Opinion Festival panel "Russian aggression in Ukraine and Finno-Ugric peoples"

Before the Fenno-Ugria panel on "Russian aggression in Ukraine and the Finno-Ugric peoples" at the Paide Opinion Festival on 11 August, Külli Kapper, Editor of the Foreign News section of Postimees, interviewed Barbi Pilvre, Director of Fenno-Ugria.


Tõnu Seilenthal on cooperation with the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia

Fenno-Ugria Project Manager Janno Zõbin spoke to Tõnu Seilenthal after the Finnish-Russian Society seminar in Kuhmo on 14 June, about what was said at the …


Finno-Ugric musicians at Tallinn Freedom School

Udmurt musicians Maria Korepanova, Pavel Kutergin and Mari Anna Makeev performed at the Ukrainian Freedom School in Tallinn on 8 June. Fenno-Ugria's project manager Anna Kuznetsova talked about the Finno-Ugric peoples.


How to conceptualise Russia

The seminar "How to conceptualise Russia" was organised by Fenno-Ugria in Maarjamäe Castle in Tallinn on 31 May. The seminar was supported by the Open Estonia Foundation/Active Citizens Fund and it took place within the framework of the project "Democracy School for Finno-Ugric communities in Estonia".


Finno-Ugrian days return this October

The festival reaches its apex on the third Saturday of October – this year on October 15th – the day that the national flags of Estonia fly in honour of our fellow kindred peoples living all around the world.


Ethnic Science Award 2022: Kindred People's Programme calls for nominations

This year, the competition welcomes the works of researchers who are based outside of the Russian Federation. Applications should be submitted electronically. The deadline for submitting nominations is 31 August 2022.


Fenno-Ugria condemns the aggression by the Russian Federation in Ukraine

We do not consider cooperation possible with Finno-Ugric peoples’ organisations and individuals that support military action against Ukraine by the Russian Federation, until they stop supporting the activities against humanity by the leadership of their country.


TMW 2021: Fenno-Ugria Night is coming in a week! Who is performing?

The night also represents a bridge between TMW and the Finno-Ugrian Days, an event that introduces Finno-Ugric peoples, set to take place in October.


Resolution of the VIII World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples

The World Congress declares that the commitment to human rights, national minorities and indigenous peoples, freedom of speech, dignified development of languages and traditional culture, mutual respect between peoples and countries remain key guidelines in the activities of the Consultative Committee and the World Congress.
