A solo exhibition „Pühad kümblused“/'Sacred Baths' by Peeter Laurits
The exhibition is part of the art program of Biotoopia (Biotoopia kunstiprogrammi). Supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia. Team: Tiina Määrmann, Kristi Lahne, Kalmar Kurs, Elias Kuulmann, Siim Vahur, Aleks Märtson, Artproof, Elavad Pildid, Siim Soop, Kelli Gedvil. Artist thanks: Karina Laurits, Maria Hansar, Leelo Laurits, Uku Laurits, Andreas Weber, Emanuele Coccia, Alari Allik, Mart Meri, Mika Keränen, Carla Giacinti, Gianni Macchia, Aleksander Metsamärt, Urmas Lüüs, Greete Põrk, Kristel Larin, Vaba Lava.
The artist talk with Peeter Laurits, Urmas Lüüs and Aleksander Metsamärt will be held on 2nd of June at 5 pm. The artist tour with Peeter Laurits will take place on 4th of June at 2 pm. The exhibition at Vaal Gallery will remain open until 2nd of July, Tue–Fri 12–6pm, Sat 12–4pm.
In Estonian culture, Peeter Laurits’ work fits in with a theoretical grouping of different creative professionals who are interested in Estonians’ and other Finno-Ugrians’ mythological relationship with nature. To this day, many Estonians see themselves as a nation who has a special relationship with their natural environment and landscape. In the works of Peeter Laurits uber-technologization merges with old-growth forests, marshes, and ancient legends. Laurits see nothing contradictory in this, ‘Human consciousness is based on archetypal structures which are probably not that dissimilar from those of pine trees, squirrels, or martens.’
We are searching for alien civilisations in outer space but should look for them in our backyard. In Laurits’ work this becomes possible: there are cosmic vapours rising from the bog, the glowing metro map of Paris melds together with the bark beetles’ tunnels, ancient brooks form a pulsating nervous system. ‘I dive into the Underworld, into the effervescence of primaeval waters, into dampness, into root systems, and reflections of primordial patterns. The primaeval water is as warm as I am, it’s as if I’m diving into myself … to show you the delicate and beautiful Underworld. There is no cave of horrors – the Underworld is an Elysium where the roots of plants and mushroom mycelia interweave, everything grows through each other, juices of life are being drunk mutually, out of them are born communication and exchange networks, everything is bubbling and rotting in slow motion, death is translated into birth and resorbed back into the circle of life. The Underworld is a long, open-eyed kiss and the kitchen of earthly pleasures – moist and fluffy, a motherboard dissolved in water.’
Peeter Laurits (b. 1962) has studied in New York, Tallinn, Tartu, and St. Petersburg. He has participated in numerous international exhibitions, and his works are in the collections of Estonian, Finnish, American and Portuguese art institutions. www.peeterlaurits.com