The Komi Republic has the highest birth rate of all North-West Russian regions
In the first half of 2023, Komi Republic will have the highest fertility rate compared to other regions of North-West Russia.

In the first half of the year, the number of births in the republic was 3,077, which is still 109 fewer than in the same period last year. The overall fertility rate per 1,000 inhabitants in the Komi Republic was 8.6. The lowest rate, 5.9, was recorded in Leningrad oblast, while the rate in Pskov oblast, which borders the Republic of Estonia, was 7.2. The average for the region as a whole was 7.7. The total birth rate in the Russian Federation is 8.5: the Russian Federation has been struggling with negative birth rates and low population growth for a long time. Over the last few years, various financial subsidies have been increased, as well as the allocation of land for young families. There is increasing talk of banning abortion. Many private clinics in Russia have stopped applying for abortion licences, and there are voices saying that abortion is now hostile to the country because there will be no defenders of Russia in the future.
The total fertility rate (often referred to simply as the fertility rate) is the number of live births of all or part of the population of a region in a given period divided by the average size of the population concerned in that period. Usually expressed in parts per thousand (per 1,000 population), the period is taken as one year.In the Republic of Estonia, the overall birth rate per 1,000 population was 8.6 in 2022, but 10.0 in 2021. The lowest overall birth rate in Europe is 8.25 in Germany. The highest overall fertility rates are in West and Central African countries: 50.73 in Niger, 49.82 in Mali and 47.35 in Uganda.