Indigenous speakers share their languages on Google Earth

A new Google Earth tour features audio recordings from more than 50 indigenous language speakers from around the world. Everyone interested is also welcome to add their own indigenous language to the map.
Of the 7,000 languages spoken around the globe, 2,680 Indigenous languages—more than one third of the world’s languages—are in danger of disappearing. The United Nations declared 2019 the International Year of Indigenous Languages to raise awareness about these languages and their contribution to global diversity. To help preserve them, our new Google Earth tour, Celebrating Indigenous Languages, shares audio recordings from more than 50 Indigenous language speakers.
“It is a human right to be able to speak your own language,” says Tania Haerekiterā Tapueluelu Wolfgramm, a Māori and Tongan person who works as an educator and activist in Aotearoa–the Māori name for New Zealand–and other Pacific countries. “You don’t have a culture without the language.”
Tania is one of several dozen Indigenous language speakers, advocates and educators who helped create the tour. Thanks to their contributions, people can click on locations meaningful to Indigenous speakers and hear people offer traditional greetings, sing songs, or say common words and phrases in their languages.
Sign up for to add your indigenous language to the map.
Source of info: Google