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The United Nations permanent forum of indigenous issues

Indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge at the centre of UN annual forum More than 1,000 Indigenous Peoples participants from all over the world will be at …


"Trilium / Trillium" receives the annual Latvian literary award

On Monday, March 25th in Rīga, the nominees for the 2019 Annual Latvian Literary Award were announced at the bookstore “NicePlace Telpa”. The lifetime achievement …


UN international year of indigenous languages

Year 2019 was claimed a year of indigenous languages by United Nations. Fenno-Ugria organises many events that are related to the theme of this year.  …


The Barents Observer: Sami fishers rejoice over court decision in Finland

The Barents Observer: Fishers rejoice over court decision in Finland: «The court has now declared that we Sámi have rights to our culture»  The District …


Fenno Ugria Night at Tallinn Music Week

For the 5th year Fenno Ugria hosts artists from the finno-ugric music scene at Tallinn Music Week 2019.


Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture 2020 Will Be Selected In Mari El Republic

Youth Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples (MAFUN) and URALIC Centre for Indigenous Peoples today announce the start of the competition for the title of Finno-Ugric Capital …


Russia is cracking down on minority languages – but a resistance movement is growing

Author: Guzel Yusupova COFUND Junior Research Fellow, Durham University Russia has spent the last several years aggressively advocating for the rights of Russian minorities abroad, …


Lea Kreinin: On FUFF and trains

As we know, the high-speed trains do not stop everywhere. That’s why, for example, many passengers of the Tartu-Tallinn route were probably unaware of the …


Finno-Ugric Maris have Long Looked to Estonia, Finland and Hungary – and Moscow Doesn’t Like It

The roughly 600,000 Maris, a Finno-Ugric nation in the Middle Volga, have long looked to the larger and now independent Finno-Ugric nations of Estonia, Finland, …


Moscow Still Refuses to Recognize Soviet Genocide of Ingermanlanders

Staunton, June 24 – Most of the peoples whom Stalin deported have been allowed to return to their home areas and have been politically at …
