The Russian children's animation series Be-be-bears ('Mi-mi-mishki' in Russian) will have several episodes translated into Nenets.
Mordvins living in Estonia celebrated the Erzya Language Day on April 14. The event was organised by the Estonian Mordvin Culture Society and the Erzya Cultural Association Syatko at the Tallinn Folk High School.
The festival reaches its apex on the third Saturday of October – this year on October 15th – the day that the national flags of Estonia fly in honour of our fellow kindred peoples living all around the world.
The year of Abja-Paluoja, the historic capital of Mulgimaa, as the Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture, is drawing to a close. On 27 November, the baton …
Working group moderators are going to summarise the presentations and discussions on the last day of the Congress.
Abja-Paluoja, the capital of Estonia’s historic Mulgimaa region, has become the Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture 2021
At an event celebrating Abja-Paluoja as the Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture on Saturday, President Kersti Kaljulaid encouraged people to support and maintain different dialects. The …
Moscow is currently promoting the division of the Mari language into two – the Lugo Mari and the Gorno Mari — to reduce the number …
On 21 October, Artyom Malykh, well-known Udmurt activist and founder of Uralistica social network, gave a talk on Uralic peoples of Russia at Sugrifest, a …
9 August commemorates the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. It is celebrated around the world and marks the date of the inaugural session …
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CIFU XIII has been postponed to August 2021. However, we will organize a virtual pre-congress in August 2020 (currently …
The idea to celebrate International Mother Language Day was the initiative of Bangladesh. It was approved at the 1999 UNESCO General Conference and has been observed throughout the …