Livonian Day in the Latvian National Library in Riga

On Saturday, 16 December, from 12.00-17.00, the National Library of Latvia in Riga (Mūkusalas iela 3) hosted a Livonian Day. On the closing day of the Year of Livonian Heritage, visitors had the opportunity to meet the Livonian community and all those who organised or participated in the Year’s events. Visitors also had the opportunity to learn more about Livonian heritage and related initiatives in Ventspils, Talsi, Sigulda, Limbaži, Aizkraukle and beyond, and to exchange ideas and make plans for future cooperation. It was an opportunity to listen to the Livonian language performed by various music collectives, take part in the presentation of publications published during the year, taste Livonian food and buy Livonian souvenirs.