The number of mobilised from Mari El for the Russian-Ukrainian war revealed
The head of Mari El Republic, Yuri Zaitsev, answered the questions of the republic’s citizens dissatisfied with the mobilisation in a live broadcast on 14 November.

Residents were particularly interested to know how many had been mobilised and why they had not been able to take leave during the year. The answers revealed that there are a total of 1,748 mobilised persons in the republic, of whom 1,228 soldiers have been on leave. Zaitsev also pointed out that it would be easier if mobilised soldiers were sent on leave in groups, so that the republic would organise transport. On 15 November, the Head of State’s website announced that those who sign a contract for voluntary military service will immediately receive 250,000 roubles, or 2,500 euros. Compared to the beginning of the war, the amount paid by the republic has increased fivefold.
As of today, 255 people from Mari El Republic have died in the war; this list includes those whose deaths have been confirmed by Russia, their parents, or work or educational institutions, and the actual figures may be different. It is known that the majority of those mobilised are Mari living in rural areas, who make up 80 per cent of those mobilised from the republic.