Finno-Ugric Days 2023
The theme of this year’s Finno-Ugric Days is ‘Courage’, referring to difficult times and the courage to remain ourselves. A series of events in Tallinn and Tartu will bring together Finno-Ugric musicians, artists, writers and scholars. There will be an academic conference on Latvian indigenous peoples, a chance to listen to traditional music and listen to classical music. The month will end with hot club nights in Tartu and Tallinn.

18.10. 6 p.m. Finno-Ugric poetry performance 2023 in cooperation with the Estonian Writers’ Union in the blacked-roofed hall of the Writers’ House.
18.10. 7 p.m. Finno-Ugric dance club at Hopner House in cooperation with Tantsuklubi: the Transylvanian ensemble Tokos from Hungary and Pavel Kutergin with Udmurt dances.
19.10. 2–5 p.m. ‘Finno-Ugric nations in Latvia – disappearance, survival or progress’: conference dedicated to the Year of Livonian Heritage at Kanutiaia Huvikool. Performance by the Livonian children’s ensemble Mierlinkizt.
20.10. 6–6:45 p.m. presentation of the Finno-Ugric Calendar 2024 and the Estonian Academy of Arts EKS students’ and Finno-Ugric fashion designers’ show “Echo(es)” at the Teachers’ House.
20.10. 7–11 p.m. Heritage music concert ‘Courage’ at the Teachers’ House, reception and dance evening with the Transylvanian ensemble Tokos.
21.10. 1 p.m. Opening of the Finno-Ugric epic-themed poster exhibition by Peeter Laurits and Madis Arukask at the Estonian National Museum.
21.10. 2–3 p.m. Fenno-Ugria and Tartu City reception (invitation only).
21.10. 3–5 p.m. Heritage music concert ‘Courage’ in the Jakob Hurt hall at the Estonian National Museum.
25.10.–8.12. Tallinn University and Fenno-Ugria supplementary education course ‘Water fowl nations: introductory course of Finno-Ugric languages and cultures’.
25.10. 5–8 p.m. Finno-Ugric movie evening at Kino Art
26.10. 8 p.m. Finno-Ugric club night in Tartu at Genialistide Klubi (Duo Ruut, Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha, Oopus).
27.10. 7 p.m. Finno-Ugric club night in Tallinn at Erinevate Tubade Klubi (Duo Ruut, Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha, Oopus).
28.10. 4–6 p.m. Finno-Ugric Classics in cooperation with Kammermuusikud NGO at Hopner House and gratitude event
Supported by the Ministry of Culture, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Kindred Peoples’ Programme, Tallinn Culture & Sports Department, Tallinn UNESCO CIty of Music, Liszt Institute – Hungarian Culture Center

Musical events:
Janno Zõbin