Fenno-Ugria panel at Paide Opinion Festival on Youtube
On 10 August, the panel ‘The nation on the display window and on the stall’, organised by Fenno-Ugria, discussed the tourism industry and the folklorisation of small cultures.

The panel focused on Finno-Ugric ethno-cultural activities in the new geopolitical situation. If folklorisation and the link to the tourism industry are a way of preserving national cultures, should we welcome such developments, or should we oppose them? Is the revival of traditions for the sole purpose of exhibition or promotion the very means to preserve them, even if only as commercialised customs?
The panelists were Mare Mätas, promoter of Kihnu culture, Aimar Ventsel, ethnologist, Aivar Ruukel, member of the board of Fenno-Ugria and heritage tourism entrepreneur, Silver Sild, guide of the Sillamäe Museum, and Elena Kirt, member of the board of Fenno-Ugria, promoter of Udmurt culture. The panel was moderated by Barbi Pilvre, Director of Fenno-Ugria. The recording was done by Aleksei Aleksejev, Etnomeedia MTÜ.
The recording of the panel has now been uploaded on Youtube. The discussion is in Estonian.