Discussion Evening With Writer Mikhail Shishkin on Russia’s Future

On 25 May, the Russian-Swiss writer, Mikhail Shishkin, was the invited to talk at Open Estonia Foundation’s discussion evening in Tallinn, titled “What Will Happen with Russia and Who Will Carry the Responsibility?”. The discussion evening is available to view on Youtube.
Mikhail Shishkin, born in 1961, has written both fiction and non-fiction since the early 1990s. He has won the Russian Booker Prize in 2000, the Russian National Bestseller Award in 2005 and the Big Book Prize in 2010. Shishkin writes in Russian and German and his works have been translated into over 30 languages. His German-language work, co-written with Fritz Pleitgen, titled “War or Peace. Russia and the West. An Approach / Frieden oder Krieg. Russland und der Westen – eine Annäherung.” has been recently translated into Estonian and was sold out soon after its publication.