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Scientists recommend ban on reindeer hunting in Taymyr

Scientists are sounding the alarm: if no action is taken, the Taimyr Peninsula's wild reindeer population could disappear.


Finno-Ugric republics of Russia supported Putin once again

Three days of presidential elections in the Russian Federation are over. The people of the Finno-Ugric republics have once again backed Vladimir Putin, but this time he won a lower percentage of the vote than in the country as a whole - 87.33% in the Russian Federation.


Andres Heinapuu 70

16 March was the birthday of Andres Heinapuu, one of the founders of Fenno-Ugria (1991).


Mansi rapper opens studio

Rapper Yevgeny Anyamov, who records his songs in Mansi, has opened his own music studio.


Book review: Ma akūb sīnda vizzõ, tūrska!

The publication introduces just over a dozen Livonian poets from the 18th century to the present day. A short biography can be found under each author.


Children's animation in Nenets

The Russian children's animation series Be-be-bears ('Mi-mi-mishki' in Russian) will have several episodes translated into Nenets.


Competition for Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture 2025 begins

URALIC Centre together with Sukukansojen Ystävät ry and the Finnish-Hungarian Society announced the beginning of the competition on 4 March 2024.


Sacred natural sites designated in Yamalia

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, signs describing sacred sites may appear. The idea was announced at a meeting of the Council of Indigenous Minorities of the North in Salekhard.


Besserman villages proposed to be in list of traditional indigenous places

The deputies of the State Council of Udmurtia are planning to address the Chairman of the Government of Russia Mikhail Mishustin with a proposal to …


Estonia celebrated Independence Day

On 24 February, the Republic of Estonia celebrated its 106th anniversary.


The State Council of the Komi Republic rejected use of Komi in sittings

Viktor Vorobyov, a deputy to the State Council of the Komi Republic and a representative of the Communist Party, submitted a draft law to the State Council's Legislative Committee to allow the use of the Komi language in parliament.


Komi-Permyak Literary Language Day celebrated with postcards and dictation

The Komi-Permyak Literary Language Day is celebrated on February 17 by decree of the Governor of Perm Krai since 2010. As has become customary, a number of events and activities are organised on the occasion to promote the Komi-Permyak language.
