A course on the culture and history of the Finno-Ugric peoples was held at Tallinn University

From 15 July to 2 August, the course “Introduction to Estonia and Finno-Ugric Cultures” for international students was held at Tallinn University with the support of Fenno-Ugria.
This year, the already traditional classes on the history and culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples were supplemented with new topics. A seminar on Hungarian history, politics and culture by guest lecturer Orsolya Sild (Estonian language teacher, Hungarian activist, member of the youth organization “Hõumulõimed”) presented an overview of Hungary and the Hungarians among the Finno-Ugric peoples, focusing on historical events, linguistic characteristics and the contemporary presence of Hungarians in different countries. Students completed assignments to deepen their understanding of Hungarian history and the political dynamics that influence the Hungarian language and culture today. The aim of the class was to promote a broader understanding of Hungary’s unique position in the Finno-Ugric world. Lecturer David Edwards, who defended his PhD thesis at the University of Glasgow on the presentation of Estonian identity and external communication and teaches courses such as “Post-Soviet World”, gave a lecture on “Presentation of Estonian National Identity in the 21st Century”. Traditionally, project manager and lecturer Anna Kuznetsova spoke about the culture, language, and traditional costume of the Komi people.
The course was held as part of the Tallinn Summer School. This year, 19 people from 13 countries (Germany, Hungary, the USA, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, etc) took part in the course. Overall, Tallinn Summer School brought together over 350 participants from all over the world.
The next Tallinn Winter School will be held on 13-31 January 2025, and the Tallinn Summer School – in July 2025.