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The 95th birthday of the Republic of Mordovia celebrated on 10 January

As is already customary in the Republic of Mordovia, no major events were held on the occasion of the Republic’s birthday. Exhibitions dedicated to the …


Mordvins confirmed loyalty to Russia

From 9 to 11 October, the 8th Congress of the Mordvin (Erzya and Moksha) People, more precisely called the 8th Congress of the Interregional Social Organization of the Mordvin (Erzya and Moksha) People "Consolidation of the Mordvin People and Strengthening the Unity of the Russian People in the Face of Contemporary Challenges", was held in Saransk.


The 94th birthday of the Republic of Mordovia was celebrated and not celebrated either

In recent years, it has become increasingly noticeable that birthdays in the republics of the Russian Federation are inappropriate or inconvenient to celebrate.


The II Forum of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation was held in Saransk, Russia

The II Forum of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation "Ethno-cultural diversity in the Russian Federation: contemporary challenges and development perspectives" took place in Saransk, the capital of the Republic of Mordovia, on 16–19 August.
